Wait List Swimmer's Name * First Name Last Name Email * The same email address that you did let us know Phone * (###) ### #### Swimmer's Level (Cap color) * Level 1 (Red) Level 2 (Orange) Level 3 (Yellow) Level 4 (Green) Level 5 (Blue) Level 6 (Black) I do not remember Your previous swim class info (Day & Time) EX) Saturday 5:15pm Pick Your Preferred Day & Time (Choose ONE) * Tuition Options: (A) $35 per class per week (B) $30 per class (if you sign up twice a week or more) (C) Sibling Discount is available from the 3rd child (They have to stay in a same household) Registration fee: $50 for a new student only. Swim Cap: NJSG swim cap is required to wear and need to be purchased ($10) when swimmers' level has changed or the cap is lost/damaged to replace. *Schedules are subject to change [CLOSED] Monday 4pm (9/12 - 11/7) [CLOSED] Monday 4:40pm (9/12 - 11/7) [CLOSED] Monday 5:20pm (9/12 - 11/7) [CLOSED] Tuesday 4pm (9/13 - 11/8) [CLOSED] Tuesday 4:40pm (9/13 - 11/8) [CLOSED] Tuesday 5:20pm (9/13 - 11/8) [CLOSED] Tuesday 6:10pm (9/13 - 11/8) [CLOSED] Tuesday 6:50pm (9/13 - 11/8) [CLOSED] Tuesday 7:30pm (9/13 - 11/8) [CLOSED] Wednesday 4pm (9/14 - 11/9) [CLOSED] Wednesday 4:40pm (9/14 - 11/9) [CLOSED] Wednesday 5:20pm (9/14 - 11/9) [CLOSED] Thursday 4pm (9/15 - 11/10) [CLOSED] Thursday 4:40pm (9/15 - 11/10) [CLOSED] Thursday 5:20pm (9/15 - 11/10) [CLOSED] Thursday 6:10pm (9/15 - 11/10) [CLOSED] Thursday 6:50pm (9/15 - 11/10) [CLOSED] Thursday 7:30pm (9/15 - 11/10) [CLOSED] Friday 4pm (9/16 - 11/11) [CLOSED] Friday 4:40pm (9/16 - 11/11) [CLOSED] Friday 5:20pm (9/16 - 11/11) [CLOSED] Saturday 9am (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 9:40am (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 10:30am (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 11:10am (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 12pm (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 12:40m (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 1:30pm (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 2:10pm (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 3pm (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 3:40pm (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 4:30pm (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 5:10pm (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Saturday 6pm (9/17 - 11/12) [CLOSED] Sunday 9am (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 9:40am (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 10:30am (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 11:10am (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 12pm (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 12:40pm (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 1:30pm (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 2:10pm (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 3pm (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 3:40pm (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 4:30pm (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 5:10pm (9/18 - 11/13) [CLOSED] Sunday 6pm (9/18 - 11/13) Memo Anything you would like to let us know or questions you may have? We have received your request and it's under review to finalize. Once it's ready, usually within 3 days, a confirmation email will be sent from our reservation system (AcuityScheduling). If you have any further questions please email us; NJSG@NewJerseySwimming.com Level. 1Guide safety information & Pool RulesIntroduce in-water bubbling through noseDevelope a preliminary streamlined positionProper freestyle kicking Level. 2Introduce straight arm freestyle strokesFreestyle side breathing25 yards catch up freestyle25 yeards backstorke kick Level. 3Make freestyle & backstroke in a good rhythmPerfrom symchronized breathingComplete a freestyle & backstrokeAble to swim 50 yards freestyle and backstroke Level. 4Introduce breaststrokeCheck coordination and reinforce freestyle & backstrokeAble to swim 100 yards+ swim in breaststroke Level. 5Introduce butterflyDevelop proper arm pulls & body motionFully able to demonstrate 100 Indivisual Medley (IM)Introductory head first dive in streamlined position Level. 6Review and Reinforce all four strokesCompetitive head first dive practice & turnsGetting ready for swim teams (Minimum 300 yards non-stop swim & time standards apply to enter swim teams)